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Market Force Information

I Went Shopping: My Customer Experience

I went shopping this weekend, visiting all types of stores, both brick and mortar and online. My in-store customer experience was all over the place — from a home improvement..

On Metrics: Brand Recommendation or Satisfaction with the Experience?

I was recently in a new client’s office discussing the merits of using Net Promoter Score (NPS) or Top Box Overall Satisfaction (OSAT) as the key customer experience metric. That..

3 Strategies to Make Loyalty Your Currency

You've painstakingly crafted your brand, your organization lives and breathes its values, and customers are responding to its message. During these uncertain times protecting that..

3 Benefits Of Mystery Shopping From A Marketer’s Perspective

Mystery shopping is done by trained professionals. When you hire a reputable mystery shopping organization, they have high standards in recruiting and educating their mystery..

3 Questions With Ryan Stewart: Chat In The Contact Center

"As contact centers push to shrink cost and increase efficiency in light of increased consumer demands, live chat is seeing a resurgence as a go-to customer support channel."

How An Optimized Service Profit Chain Can Increase Performance

The Service-Profit Chain is a theory and business model evolved by a group of researchers from Harvard University in the nineties. Simply, brands that invest in their people see..

Effectively Manage Social Media Reviews And Improve Results

We can all agree that social media reviews need to be handled, so how do you best go about it? Here are some best practices that can help guide the way.

Using Customer Experience Analytics To Predict Fuel Sales

Using the power of customer experience analytics and sophisticated causal financial modeling, the Market Force Analytics & Insights team identified the key operational metrics..

Our Wireless Carriers: What We Love And Hate

So what kind of customer experience do the wireless carriers provide—and what do we love and hate about them?